Kim Diehl?? Simple Whatnots IV Mystery Stitch-Along Part 2

Kim Diehl?? Simple Whatnots IV Mystery Stitch-A...

Welcome to Installment #2 of Kim Diehl?? Simple Whatnots IV Mystery Stitch-Along! Read below to find directions for... READ MORE

From Silkaphobia to Silk-ccess!

From Silkaphobia to Silk-ccess!

Worried about silk fabric being too precious, too delicate, or too finicky to work with? I too once suffered from... READ MORE

A Look Inside Zero Waste Quilting

A Look Inside Zero Waste Quilting

As Patty says, ??he idea behind this book is layered, yet simple. First, I want you to recognize the power of your... READ MORE

In Defense of Keeping that Fabric Forever

In Defense of Keeping that Fabric Forever

When I was in high school, everything was purple. And frequently paisley. Whether insp READ MORE

Finish that Quilt, or Not

Finish that Quilt, or Not

It seems logical that one should finish one project before starting another, but the READ MORE

Zero Waste Quilting Virtual Book Tour

Zero Waste Quilting Virtual Book Tour

We??e thrilled to announce that Patty Murphy's Virtual Book Tour for Zero Waste Quilting</ READ MORE

Celebrate the Holidays with the Quilt Builder Card Deck Christmas Set

Celebrate the Holidays with the Quilt Builder C...

Your festive spirit and quilting passion will mingle merri READ MORE

Ultimate Value Tool: Behind-the-Scenes!

Ultimate Value Tool: Behind-the-Scenes!

One of my early quilting teachers shared how important value is. What she READ MORE

I Buy Quilting Supplies Then Don?? Use Them

I Buy Quilting Supplies Then Don?? Use Them

A popular quilting meme quips, ??uying fabric and quilting are actually two separ READ MORE

C&T Staff Holiday Favorites: 7 Gift Ideas

C&T Staff Holiday Favorites: 7 Gift Ideas

The holiday season is right around the corner, and if you're deep in the hustle and bustle of gift shopping, we've got... READ MORE

Simple Whatnots IV Mystery Stitch-Along

Simple Whatnots IV Mystery Stitch-Along

Welcome to the Simple Whatnots IV My READ MORE

Lone Star Buttermilk Biscuits from The Wedding Dress Quilt

Lone Star Buttermilk Biscuits from The Wedding ...

Enjoy a cherished recipe from The Wedding Dress Quilt and whip up these simple yet perfectly satisfying biscuits... READ MORE

Don’t Fear the (Replacement) Zipper

Don’t Fear the (Replacement) Zipper

The one act of sewing that universally strikes fear into the heart of even the most READ MORE

Quilt Fusion 2024: Elevate Your Craft with the Ultimate Virtual Quilting Experience!

Quilt Fusion 2024: Elevate Your Craft with the ...

Are you ready to take your quilting to new heights? Quilt Fusion 2024 brings your quilting dream READ MORE

Visit C&T Publishing at Fall Quilt Market 2024

Visit C&T Publishing at Fall Quilt Market 2024

Join C&T Publishing at Quilt Market in Houston, TX at Booth #121! You're invited to our Schoolhouse Presentations,... READ MORE

Creativity Unleashed:  Designing a Quilt on the Computer

Creativity Unleashed: Designing a Quilt on the...

Increase your quilting creative potential! With computer software like Electric Quilt 8, you can take your design... READ MORE

How to Achieve Quilt/Life Balance – It’s Easier Than You Think!

How to Achieve Quilt/Life Balance – It’s Easier...

We’ve all heard about the importance of Work/Li READ MORE

Breathe New Life into Vintage Quilts with Recla...

Are you looking for a way to combine your love for sustainability, vintage style, and creative sewing?  READ MORE

Say Goodbye to Quilt Rules: Create Wonky Blocks with Scrappy Wonky Quilt Block Extravaganza

Say Goodbye to Quilt Rules: Create Wonky Blocks...

Are you ready to take your quilting in a bold, new direction? If you’ve ever found yourself frustrated by rigid... READ MORE

Discover Shibori Virtual Book Tour

Discover Shibori Virtual Book Tour

I am excited to announce that the Virtual Book Tour for my new book, Discover Shibori< READ MORE

Explore the Art of Shibori: A Step-by-Step Guide to Indigo Dyeing

Explore the Art of Shibori: A Step-by-Step Guid...

You must be dyeing to try this—it’s impossible to resist! (I couldn’t help it!) Bad puns aside, there’s something... READ MORE

Quilter’s Midnight Snack: Kim Diehl’s Simple Whatnots IV for Satisfying Mini Quilts

Quilter’s Midnight Snack: Kim Diehl’s Simple Wh...

Midnight snacks can be just the thing to leave us feeling satisfied and soothed for sweet dreams. But not every... READ MORE

Fractal That! Quilt Design on an iPad/iPhone

Fractal That! Quilt Design on an iPad/iPhone

There’s an App for that! Well almost. The Frax app f READ MORE

Travel to New Dimensions with Illusion Quilts

Travel to New Dimensions with Illusion Quilts

Who says you can’t explore new dimensions? Venture forth into the READ MORE

Top 10 Tips for Making Boutique-Style Bags on a Domestic Machine

Top 10 Tips for Making Boutique-Style Bags on a...

Hi friends! I’m Jess from Sallie Tomato, and I’m thrilled to share some of my top tips for creating boutique-style... READ MORE

5 Unique Bag-Making Courses for Custom Totes and Clutches You’ll Love

5 Unique Bag-Making Courses for Custom Totes an...

Just the right bag is one of life's greatest triumphs. It's time we celebrated the glory that is having the right... READ MORE

Reclaim, Revere, and Reign With Patchwork Luxe

Reclaim, Revere, and Reign With Patchwork Luxe

Regardless of your quilting style, you’ll open up a whole new world of possibilities when you add silks into your... READ MORE

Imagine. Make. Become! FanPowered Press is Heading to Rose City Comic Con

Imagine. Make. Become! FanPowered Press is Head...

Are you ready to level up your cosplay game? FanPowered Press, your go-to source for all things cosplay, is packing up... READ MORE

From Fur to Feathers: Embroider Your Pet’s Portrait with Michelle Staub’s Expert Guide

From Fur to Feathers: Embroider Your Pet’s Port...

Are you a dog or cat person? Or perhaps a rabbit, snake, or even a rat person? Pet lovers come in all forms, and Michelle Staub, the extraordinary embroidery artist... READ MORE