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The Quilting Hour: Season 4

The Quilting Hour: Season 4

Single episodes are $6.99! Join resident expert and host Lee Chappell Monroe to discuss quilting topics with other quilt masters and trendsetters. LIVE episodes start at 12pm Pacific Time and recordings do not expire.

Regular price $19.99
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  • Pattern Maker

  • Graphic Designer
  • Fabric Lover

Lee Chappell Monroe

Lee has been creating since she first discovered crayons at age 2! She’s from a family of quilters and learned everything from her mother, affectionately known as The Guru. She loves all things fabric—from zippy pouch to queen size quilt—and everything in between. With a love of color and bold graphic shapes, Lee enjoys designing patterns and teaching all types of classes, while sharing her adventures on her blog, She is a trained graphic designer which shows in