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Spring Bling: An Art-Deco Gem Quilt

Spring Bling: An Art-Deco Gem Quilt

Create one quilt with the techniques from two expert quilt artists. Quilt features a gemstone medallion and appliqué borders shown in 2 different styles.

Regular price $59.99
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  • Quilting Author

  • Hand Sewing Specialist
  • Teacher

Becky Goldsmith

Becky Goldsmith grew up in Oklahoma and met her wonderful husband, Steve, at the University of Oklahoma. They married in 1978, at the end of their senior year, and they are still happy together. They do their best to support each other in all their endeavors.

Happily, Steve does all the cooking—and he bastes Becky’s quilts and hand sews the bindings! Becky is truly blessed. Their two sons, Chris and Jeff, are grown and married to