Shannon & Jason

Shannon & Jason


  • Design Teachers
  • Sashiko Pros
  • DIY Duo

Shannon & Jason

Shannon Leigh Roudhán and Jason Bowlsby have been partners in life for 27 years and have been teaching adults for 20+ years. With their mastery of subjects from crochet and knitting to sewing, and quilting, their enthusiasm, quirky sense of humor, and relatable teaching style have made them sought-after teachers in both local and national venues such as Sew Expo, Houston Quilt Festival, Pacific International Quilt Festival, and the Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network (BARN). They also have many online classes from Craftsy and Creative Spark Online. Their award-winning crochet, knit, and sewing designs have been featured in and on the covers of domestic and international publications, and their craft, portrait, and fashion photography have appeared in books and magazines around the globe. Shannon & Jason have published ten books on crochet and knitwear patterns, including Complete Crochet Course – the Ultimate Reference Guide, Designer Crochet, and Crochet Geometry. Proving their expertise in hand stitching, they released Boro & Sashiko: Harmonious Imperfection and from C&T Publishing. Their most recent release was, Scrappy Wonky Quilt Block Extravaganza, also from C&T Publishing. Their work has garnered acclaim from magazines and professional organizations, and their designs have been featured as editor’s picks and on the covers of crochet and knitting magazines in the US and Europe ten times since 2010. Both Designer Crochet and Crochet Geometry have received Starred Reviews from both Publishers Weekly and Booklist, and both were featured in the Library Journal review. In addition, both books were featured in the Booklist Top 10 Crafts & Gardening Books: 2016 list. Complete Crochet Course also received a Starred Review from Booklist, and copies continue selling out at trade shows and events. Shannon & Jason have taught scrappy wonky quilting for over four years in person and online. Their fun and engaging teaching style and quirky sense of humor have made them favorites with students and event organizers at local and national festivals, expos, and retreats. Their students come back time and again for more live and recorded classes. Shannon & Jason currently live in Seattle, Washington.

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