Heather Bostic


Heather Bostic

Heather Bostic ({House} of A La Mode) lives in beautiful Portland, Oregon. She's a wife, a stay-at-home mother of two beautiful boys, and an autism activist. Sewing was an easy choice for relaxation while raising a child with autism, although... what started out as a hobby for her has turned into a manic compulsion that has an appetite of its very own. She just can't help herself! Combine that with her Flickr site, her blog life, and the new Sewing Lounge/Studio in her hometown, and you have one serious nonstop party! Heather tries to bring a masculine feel to her designs regardless of the fabrics being used, to create an edgy, urban look that she embraces as her true style. She credits the men in her life as her main source of inspiration for finding her rhythm - her amazing husband, Aaron; her two wonderful sons, Reed and Colin; and her father, Michael. She says they have been her biggest fans and supporters.

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