Caroline Fairbanks-Critchfield


Caroline Fairbanks-Critchfield

Caroline comes from a family of artists and computer geeks. Of course, the artists go back further than the computer geeks, who started with her dad. Her mom taught her to sew, while her dad taught her to use one of the first home computers ever released: the Apple computer with the green screen. She sewed her way through elementary and high school, and then squeezed in more time to sew while studying Russian language and literature at Brigham Young University. A brief internship at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts (under the tutelage of her great-uncle, who was a curator) increased her love for textiles. Sometime after her first little girl was born, Caroline realized that sewing and computers went together. She started her first sewing blog to share and show off her projects, and soon she began designing patterns that featured only one pattern piece. Now, by happy accident or not, her home has become one where the creative spirit runs free. Raw materials come in; and robots, pillows, and cute things to wear go out. Caroline’s sewing is second only to her four children and husband. You can see what she’s making right now at SewCanShe (

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