Those Little Words Quilters Want to Hear

Those Little Words Quilters Want to Hear

Posted by Jen Lopez on Sep 30th 2020

Today’s post is for all the patient, kind souls out there who have a quilter in their lives. Do you want to know the three little words that all quilters long to hear? You might think they’d be “I love you”, and don’t get me wrong, we all want to hear that. But if you really want to melt their heart, try “Let’s buy fabric”.

Why is that? It’s not that we quilters are materialistic (pun intended), it’s that those three magic words suggest you understand your quilter, you know what they like, and you appreciate their hobby. Finally, most important of all – you want to enjoy their hobby WITH them.

The same works in reverse too, my quilting friends. I have attended many a model train show. When my feet are throbbing and I think I cannot stand one more minute of excruciatingly specific conversation with a “rivet counter”, I remember all the fabric shop hops that Train Guy willingly endured, perhaps even encouraged. We enjoy our respective hobbies even more because we participate in them together. Train Guy has even learned to make a pot holder or two!

Please join us here every other Wednesday for another fun, fiber-filled installment of By the Yard. You can read more By the Yard® on Facebook or Instagram @bytheyardcomics. The By the Yard® 2021 Wall Calendar for Quilters is available now at and in quilt shops everywhere!


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