Quilted Garden Delights Print-on-Demand Edition
Holly Knott & Diane Knott –– Quilt and Appliqué These Lovely Floral Quilts in One Step • 8 small, easy-to-make art quilts celebrate the simple pleasures of the garden • Fast assembly with...
Transform fabric strips into unique and interesting quilts
Get ready for some of the best-kept secrets in strip quilting! You’ll start with the basics of cutting, storing, and piecing fabric strips from 1½” to 3½” wide. Explore five techniques to make strip-pieced rows, triangles, and more advanced blocks. Then make the most of your stash by turning precut strips, sliced yardage, and even selvages into fifteen innovative strip-quilt projects. Customize the look of each quilt with blank coloring pages, laying the foundation to design your own strip quilts.
• Sew fifteen quilt projects from fabric strips, in every look from planned to scrap-tastic
• Bust your stash and your scraps! Use extra-wide strips, skinny selvages, precuts, and yardage to sew innovative designs
• Start with easy strip sets, advancing to triangles and interesting layouts that might surprise you
8.5" x 11"
96 pages
ISBN: 978-1-61745-757-9
UPC: 734817-113249
(eISBN: 978-1-61745-758-6)
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