Sarah Markos



  • Handbag Maker
  • Fabric Collector
  • Sewing Blogger

Sarah Markos

Sarah is a fabric addict with a love of all things crafty. She inherited this passion from her mother and grandmother, who also loved to sew. She grew up in a home where handmade gifts were cherished and creativity was encouraged, resulting in doll dresses, church dresses, prom dresses, wedding dresses, and countless other sewing projects. She learned to sew at an early age but really learned to love it as a teenager, when she took apart her favorite pair of pants and used it as a pattern to make a new pair. She has honed her sewing skills, making endless Halloween costumes and items for her children, unique Christmas and baby gifts for friends, and decor for her home. She started designing and sewing handbags to sell at local holiday fairs as a way to use up her ever-growing fabric stash. She blogs about her sewing adventures at Blue Susan Makes. Sarah lives in West Melbourne, Florida, with her husband and four children. She has a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Brigham Young University and enjoys telling gory stories from her life as an operating room nurse. She also loves being a mom, running, reading to her children, refinishing furniture, and teaching people to sew. Visit her at Blue Susan Makes (

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