Felicia T. Brenoe

Felicia T. Brenoe

Felicia T. Brenoe grew up in a small coastal town in southern Norway. She developed an early appreciation for beautiful patchwork and fabric from the artistic community that surrounded her family. After she moved to Arizona in 1996 for college, she started indulging more fully in textile arts. Initially she focused on needlework and historical embroidery, but she soon added patchwork and quilting to her repertoire. Felicia completed graduate work in physical anthropology, which she finds to be a truly exciting field, but she started dreaming about a life that was all about textiles. In 2013 she jumped with both feet into a new career as a quilt designer. Felicia enjoys working with lots of colors and fabrics in her designs, and she is frequently inspired by the traditions, moods, and natural beauty of her international travels and her Norwegian upbringing, as well as her academic background. She also adores looking at antique quilts and historical needlework samplers for inspiration. Felicia's work has appeared in several magazines including Quiltmania, Arts Quilting Studio, Generation Q Magazine, and Quilt Festival. Felicia lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with her husband, kids, and three spoiled cats. When not sewing, she enjoys traveling to foreign places, gardening, doing yoga, hiking, and spending time with family. You can visit her at her website: feliciasworld.com

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