Deborah Boschert



  • Art Quilt Enthusiast
  • Engaging Author
  • Energetic Teacher

Deborah Boschert

Deborah saves tiny scraps of cloth with unexpected bits of inspiring paint and ink. She picks up smashed bottle caps in parking lots and beautifully smooth stones at the beach. She appreciates peeling paint and scribbled notes as much as fine art and beautiful scenic vistas. She tries to embrace spontaneity and stability in equal measure. Her award-winning art quilts exemplify these varied interests and ideas. Deborah has lived in twelve different states in nearly every part of the United States. In each home, she made a place to stitch and create, whether it was the dining room table, the unfinished basement, or her current in-home studio space. The personal symbols and details in her art quilts reflect her experiences and feelings about places she’s lived and the things she’s done. In her art quilts, the tiny details are as important as the overall design. As in life, little everyday joys compliment the bigger adventures. Her art quilts have been exhibited in quilt shows and art galleries throughout the United Sates and internationally. She is published in many books and magazines. Deborah also created a DVD fabric collage workshop, leads technique classes, and blogs about her artistic process. Deborah regularly gives presentations and workshops to quilt guilds and visual arts groups. She is always eager to share her ideas about creativity and the possibilities of creating with fabric. She gently nudges students to try new things as they work through the process of creating original art that they love. Deborah and her husband, Jeff, live just outside of Dallas, Texas, with their two kids, Claire and Benjamin, and their lab mix, Lincoln. They are a nerdy, puzzle-loving, book-reading family who love to travel, learn new things, and eat ice cream.

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