Quilting Tips: Pressing

Pressing seams as you go along is so important in your sewing projects. Usually when making garments, the seams are pressed open to reduce bulk. However, when making quilts, usually the seams are pressed to one side. This step helps to prevent bearding, where batting may show through the seams. There are exceptions to this convention, you need to decide what is right for you.

Pressing requires an up and down motion with your iron. By using this technique, your quilt pieces and blocks won’t stretch and distort. Follow these steps:

1. Set the seam by placing the iron on the seam just sewn, on the wrong side of the fabric. Press.

2. Flip the top piece up and gently press the seam from the right side of the fabric. The seam will be pressed toward the fabric piece that was on top when you set the seam.

Plan ahead so that the seams are pressed as shown in the project directions, or toward the darker fabric, or in the direction that works best for the quilt.

Happy Quilting,

The Tech Editors

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