Quilting Tips: Completing a Binding With an Invisible Seam

With raw edges even, pin the binding to the front edge of the quilt and leave the first few inches of the binding unattached. Sew the binding to all sides of the quilt. Stop stitching a few inches (4″-6″) before the end tail meets the beginning binding tail.

Fold the ending tail of the binding back on itself where it meets the beginning binding tail. Finger press. From this fold, measure and mark the cut width of your binding strip. Cut the ending binding tail to this measurement.

Open both tails. Place one tail on top of the other tail at right angles, right sides together. Pin. Mark a diagonal line and stitch on the line. Trim the seam allowance to 1/4″. Press open.

Refold binding and stitch binding section in place on the quilt.

Check out our video tutorial on completing a binding with an invisible seam:

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