When You Can’t Run Out to the Quilt Shop
Having trouble getting to the quilt shop lately? You don’t have to go without. Here are some effective and even fun ways to get your fiber fill on:
- Curb Side Pickup – Many Local Quilt Shops are offering curb side pickups for orders placed online. Even shops who have not previously had an online ordering capability are taking orders by phone. Local Quilt Shops want and very much need your business. Many have made great strides to quickly adapt to new ways of shopping.
- Swap Online – I know you already have more fabric than you can use in a lifetime and so do I. Share some pics from your stash online, swap with friends and even make some new friends in the process!
- Non-traditional Shopping Online - There are many Facebook groups dedicated to de-stashing and selling quilt supplies online. The added benefit is the money you spend will go to helping out individuals rather than corporations and other big online shopping entities, who shall remain nameless here.
- Finish Your UFO’s – There is a rather famous local used car dealer in my area who, for many years, has made great use of a hilariously accurate catch phrase “It’s new to you!” You could dig out a UFO (Un-Finished Object) from the back of your closet and I would bet that you haven’t looked at it in so long that it will seem new to you! Many sewing clubs, Facebook groups and blogs are running “finish it up” challenges to do just that, why not get in on the fun?
Just because you can’t get out the quilt shop right now, there is no reason why you can’t keep your sewing machine humming!
Please join us here every other Wednesday for another fun, fiber-filled installment of By the Yard. You can read more By the Yard® on Facebook or Instagram @bytheyardcomics. The new By the Yard® 2021 Wall Calendar for Quilters is available now - the calendar actually starts in September of 2020 and runs through December 2021! It is available online at www.bytheyardcomics.com and in quilt shops everywhere!