What's Your Favorite Stitch

What's Your Favorite Stitch

During national embroidery month, some of our favorite embroidery experts have come together to share their favorite stitch. Get inspired to stitch something new!

Christen Brown, author of Embroidery Stitching Handy Pocket Guide

My students often ask me what my favorite stitch is. My answer is the feather stitch, I love the beautiful symmetry between the tips and cupped portion of the stitch. The stitch can be altered dramatically by changing the distance between the points of the stitch.

Feather Stitch

Aimee Ray, author of Doodle Stitching Embroidery Art

My favorite stitch is the split stitch, it is easy, quick and very relaxing to stitch over and over. I did an entire design in split stitch recently and the solid areas have a lovely, knitted texture.

Split stitch

Split stitch sampler

Kathy Seaman Shaw, author of Crazy Quilting Dazzling Diamonds

Without hesitation, I adore stem stitch; but not the way my great-grandmother did it. I have my own way, which is easier and creates a beautiful line of stitches. Probably 80% of my embroidery motifs or shape seams will have stem stitch as a component.

My book fully explains (with full color diagrams) how I achieve such a beautiful line of stem stitch. My blog at shawkl.com also has a free tutorial of my method with step-by-step photos.

Sharon Boggon, author of Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery

Asking what is my favorite stitch, is a bit like asking who is a favorite child. I go in phases loving this stitch or that stitch using it on everything. It sounds fickle but I really do love seeing what stitches can do so I enjoy most of them! If I am experimenting with a stitch trying out varieties, I am usually enjoying the process and the stitch. I really enjoy seeing what a stitch will do.

If I had to be really held to an answer, I would say that my favorite stitch is probably French knots because I like texture. I constantly use them, and they seem like old friends.  

French Knot Stitch

French knot stitch sampler

Megan Eckman, author of Everyday Embroidery for Modern Stitchers

My favorite stitch is a bit of a cheating stitch, but no one will ever know once you're done stitching. It's basically the chain stitch but you do it backwards. This makes it much, much easier to sew, which means you can master it even if you've just picked up a needle for the first time. I first learned about it through Jenny Hart of Sublime Stitching.

You can find her great tutorial on reverse chain stitch on her website and in my book.

Chain stitch sampler

Brian Haggard, author of Crazy Quilted Memories

I had a hard time choosing between the feather stitch and the buttonhole stitch since both are so incredibly versatile. I chose the buttonhole stitch since it's the easier of the two and so easily varied to suit your project. I usually use the buttonhole stitch along a seam. However, it can also double as a decorative stitch--just draw a line and stitch away.

Irene Schlesinger, author of Artful Embroidery on Canvas

My favorite stitch is the super easy and versatile Stem Stitch. By varying the angle or length of the stitch, one may create a custom pattern. It's a stitch that most reminds me of filling spaces in a coloring book.

Special Note

I would like to extend my special thanks to all that contributed to this post. Please visit C&T Publishing for these titles and check out Creative Spark their new Online learning platform.


Shop Titles!

Embroidery Stitching Handy Pocket GuideDoodle Stitching Embroidery Art

Crazy Quilting Dazzling DiamondsCreative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery

Everyday Embroidery for Modern StitchersCrazy Quilted MemoriesArtful Embroidery on Canvas

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