Quilty Goodies from Bonnie K. Hunter

Quilty Goodies from Bonnie K. Hunter

Hi Everyone!

I can’t believe we are already into June 2018—and with the arrival of June, I’ve got some new quilty goodies to share with you!

You are going to want more than one of these on hand at all times: perfect for your own use, as well as for gift-giving to all of your quilty friends!

Who wouldn’t like a collection of great #2 pencils, wrapped in colorful Quiltville designs, engraved with cute and quilty sayings?

Sharpen your creativity with colorful patchwork pencils! Featuring photos of quilts from my books, this ten-pack of pencils is so pretty, maybe you won't want to share. So, get more than one pack!

When C&T came up with the pencil idea, I was right on the bandwagon. I love pencils. Real pencils. Pencils that leave that wonderfully wooden smell when sharpened—not those plastic click pencils, but REAL pencils that take me back to my earliest days of drawing on graph paper as a child.

And don’t worry about sharpening them down and losing the design—there are more where these came from, so use them, sharpen them, doodle, draw, jot, scribble, take note of your quilt dreams and smile.

And to go with your pencils:

Have we got the Quilter's Date Keeper for you!

More than a journal or calendar, this perpetual date keeper can be used year after year to remember birthdates, anniversaries, special occasions, and more, keeping them at your fingertips forever.

Filled with inspiring quotes and quips, this album of sixty gorgeous quilt photos will be a favorite of quilters, especially Bonnie Hunter fans. Enjoy bonus quilting essentials in the back of this special keepsake planner that you can stash in your purse, at your desk, or by the sewing machine.

• Keep all your dates in one quilty place with a perpetual calendar from Bonnie K. Hunter 

• Enter dates only once—no need to transfer to a new calendar every year 

• Flip to the back for handy quilting tips and tricks, with Bonnie's quips and quotes throughout

The whole idea of a date keeper happened on a whim.

I was teaching a week’s worth of workshops {say THAT three times fast!) for Mary Koval in Bedford, Pennsylvania, last July, 2017. Around the corner from Mary’s Quilt Shop is an antique mall that I can’t resist perusing every time I visit Bedford.

There it was—on a shelf right in front of me—a planner of similar nature by C&T Publishing from previous years, featuring the quilts of many other artists from several different C&T publications. And the idea struck: with several books of my own in print, wouldn’t there be enough quilts of my own to pull together in such a volume? I posted a query on my blog asking if it was something that folks would be interested in, and if so, what would they like to see included? Did people even use paper planners anymore?

And the response was overwhelmingly positive.

Before the day was even out, I was getting messages from the folks at C&T saying, “Let’s do this!” and we were off and running.

The calendar pages are perpetual. There is no year listed, so it will work for ANY YEAR.

Full-color photos of sixty of my quilts are spaced throughout the hard-covered volume, with plenty of space for writing notes, ideas, birthdates, anniversaries ... 

My next quilting book release— String Frenzy—happens this coming December, and for those who can’t wait, there is a sneak preview of quilts from my upcoming book in the Quilter’s Date Keeper!

I already know that I plan to write one thing each day in the Quilter’s Date Keeper that I am simply grateful for, as a gratitude journal. Written in my own hand. The more time passes, the less we see of handwritten anything, and I feel the need to leave more things in writing—not just in digital format via computer or cell phone.

Something happens in our minds and hearts when we really write something down. Not just type it out.

You will find many of my favorite quotes spaced throughout the date keeper, things to make you ponder, smile, relate to, and challenge you.

There are also several project planning sheets and some simple sheets of graph paper so you can draw out your own ideas as they come to you.

I’m so excited about the release of both of these items—the Quilty Pencils and the Quilter’s Date Keeper.

I hope they will become some of your favorites and find a place to live daily in your quilty life as well!

There are many wonderful things happening here in Quiltville, the latest being my acquisition of a very large, very old (built in 1884!) house in beautiful rural Mouth of Wilson, Virginia. There is a lot of work to do to get this ready for visiting retreaters, and we plan to open to groups in 2020.

In the meantime, I know I will also be filling up my Quilter’s Date Keeper with notes on things I wish to add to the Inn, improvements that have been made. And when we are ready for booking, I’ll be marking down the reservation dates of visiting groups from near and far.

If you want to follow along on the journey, catch my daily blog Quiltville’s Quips & Snips at Quiltville.blogspot.com.

You can also find me on Instagram: @quiltville_bonnie

And on my Facebook page: Facebook.com/QuiltvilleFriends

My Facebook group Quiltville’s Open Studio is busy 24/7/365 with quilters sharing their Quiltville projects and more. Come join us for some fun!

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