Modern Plus Sampler Quilt Along
Are you looking for a fun quilt along to start this summer? Cheryl Brickey of Meadow Mist Designs and Paige Alexander of Quilted Blooms are hosting a Modern Plus Sampler quilt along based on their new book Modern Plus Sign Quilts. This quilt along is great for both individuals and quilt shops.
1. About the Modern Plus Sign Sampler
The Modern Plus
Sampler is a free quilt along that will run from July 2018 until April 2019
that uses most of the blocks from the Modern Plus Sign Quilts book together in
a brand-new, lap-sized (63" x 78") quilt design!
As this quilt along is a compilation of all different blocks from the Modern
Plus Sign Quilts book, the book will be required for the quilt along. You can purchase the book through C&T
Publishing here.
2. Pattern Instructions
We are running this quilt along similarly to Cheryl's previous mystery quilt alongs, a nice, slow pace with a set of instructions posted the first Thursday of each month. The quilt along will finish up in April 2019 with a fun reveal parade where you can show off your quilt. Here is the schedule for the first few months:
May 3rd: Modern Plus Sampler announcement
June 7th: Design revealed
July 5th: Fabric requirements
August 2nd: Piecing of the first section
The monthly instructions will be posted to both the Meadow Mist Designs and Quilted Blooms blogs as blog posts (and can always be found on the Modern Plus Sampler page) and each instruction blog post will contain a link to an easy-to-print, downloadable PDF version of the instructions.
3. Skill Level and Alternative Designs
Most of the quilt will be traditionally pieced, but there will be a couple of appliqué blocks and paper-pieced blocks. We encourage you to try these and learn some new skills. If you would like to avoid appliqué and/or paper piecing, we will be giving alternative instructions to avoid these methods. For example, Paige's version of the sampler uses only traditionally pieced blocks (so no appliqué or paper-pieced blocks).
4. Facebook Group
We have over 3,000 members in our Meadow Mist Designs Facebook Group sewing together! Join the group today so you can share and see everyone else's fabric, progress pictures, and finished quilts.
5. Questions?
I hope that you are planning on joining us for a fun quilt along! If you have any questions you can email Cheryl at MMDmysteryquilts@gmail.com. We look forward to quilting along with you!