12 Whimsical Calendar Quilts For Every Month

12 Whimsical Calendar Quilts For Every Month

I am so excited about my new release Kim Schaefer’s Wool Calendar Quilts. The pattern pack is a collection of 12 - 10 1/2” x 18 1/2” wall quilts, one for each month of the year! The quilts are constructed using wool appliqué on cotton backgrounds. I hand stitched the wool appliqué with the most basic of stitches. I am new to hand stitching and working with wool, but it has quickly become my new obsession. I love the fact that it is portable and can travel with me to the many shows I do every year. The quilts could also be machine appliquéd if you prefer. For experienced stitchers it is my hope that you will enjoy my whimsical designs and embellish to your hearts content.

I have a beautiful collection of pre felted 100% wool with Andover Fabrics called WoolWerks . The collection coordinates beautifully with the pattern pack.

Here is a sneak peek at a few of the designs from the pattern pack. The quilts are small and very doable.

The pattern pack would make a great Quilt of the Month program. The quilts are small and very doable.

Happy Stitching!

Kim Schaefer 

Order Kim Schaefer's Wool Appliqué Calendar Quilts here! 

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