Cosplayer’s Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam Book Tour
Hello makers! Did you know that many of the costumes and props you see in films are created with a material and simple techniques that you can learn to use at home without expensive tools or equipment? This amazing material is called EVA foam, which is a high-quality kind of craft foam. You can use EVA foam to create your own incredible costumes and wearable art - from form-fitting armor pieces with accessories to highly detailed props - and even hair! The sky is truly the limit when you start working with EVA foam. My 240-page book Cosplayer’s Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam will help any inspired maker who wants to use EVA foam to craft their own costumes, and offers advanced techniques for seasoned foamsmiths to level up their cosplay skills!
Cosplayer: Downen Creative Studios
Costume: Original Fantasy Armor design
Costume Concept Art: Mathew Grigsby
Photo by Downen Photography
I’m Beverly from Downen Creative Studios! I’m a professional cosplayer and I love creating costumes and props with EVA foam. I have dreamed of writing this book for years now, and I’m so thrilled that it is finally here! This is a very large book: 240 pages, 29 chapters, over 1000 images and 4 projects! You could say that I have included everything except the kitchen sink in this book - although to be honest, you will be able to pattern and craft a kitchen sink prop using EVA foam with what you will learn in my book!
Cosplayer: Downen Creative Studios
Costume: Athena, original design
Photo by Downen Photography
Part 1 is a bite-sized taste of what to expect from the book and how EVA foam differs from other materials you’ve probably used for your projects until now. I also introduce you to some of my favorite tools and equipment I use when creating costumes and props, most of which you can easily find in a hardware store near you.
In Part 2 you’ll learn all about what EVA foam is and why it’s considered the material with a million possibilities by the cosplay community. This section is packed with tons of short step-by-step tutorials that will walk you through techniques and processes like cutting, sanding, priming and painting. You’ll also find a very large section all about adding textures to EVA foam to add transformative effects like metal, wood, stone, leather and more! In addition, I show you many methods of attaching costume pieces together - and to your body - to maximize comfort and functionality. I also walk you through several ways to combine thermoplastics with EVA foam to add dimension, detail and strength to your projects!
Above: How to create battle damage effects on EVA foam is one of many techniques you’ll learn in the book!
Cosplayer: Baldguycosplay
Costume: Lawbringer from For Honor
Photo by Downen Photography
Part 3 is all about Patterning with EVA foam to make costumes and props! This is my favorite process, so I made sure to stock this chapter full of step-by-step tutorials. Follow along with my own armor build as I walk you through each step of the way, from designing, patterning, adjusting and mockups. I’ll show you how to carve beautiful shapes on your costume pieces, how to pattern oversized pieces, and how to print a large-scale pattern on your printer at home.
Cosplayer: Downen Creative Studios
Costume: Original Fantasy Armor design Costume
Concept Art: Mathew Grigsby
Photo by Downen Photography
Cosplayer: Akakioga Cosplay
Costume: Nargacuga from Monster Hunter World
Photo by World of Gwendana
Part 4 is the last section of the book, and is full of projects that you can do at home! Download the patterns at home and follow along as I guide you through four projects that I know you’ll love. Use your new knowledge of crafting with EVA foam to create these spectacular props and costume pieces to use for your next costume project.
Download patterns and follow along with these step-by-step projects: Pauldron and Spaulder, Small Dagger, Duct Tape Body Form, Champion Helmet, Spellbook
Concept designs by Mathew Grigsby and Downen Creative Studios
Lastly, the Resources section is for you to refer to again and again. It contains a list of materials and EVA foam pattern makers that I’ve carefully curated for you to refer to along your journey as a foamsmith.
Thank you for spending your time with me during this tour! I look forward to seeing your costumes and props, and I encourage you to keep learning new things! Happy crafting!
Cosplayer’s Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam Virtual Tour Schedule
Monday, Jan 9
C&T Publishing
Tuesday, Jan 10
IG: Jedimanda
Wednesday, Jan 11
Thursday, Jan 12
Friday, Jan 13
IG: Baldguycosplay
Saturday, Jan 14
IG: Evil Ted Smith
Sunday, Jan 15
IG: Avera Cosplay
Monday, Jan 16
Twitter: Akakioga Cosplay
Tuesday, Jan 17
IG: Artemistyck
Wednesday, Jan 18
IG, FB, Twitter: Downen Creative Studios
Comment your dream EVA foam prop below for a chance to win an ebook copy of Cosplayer’s Ultimate Guide to EVA Foam! We will announce the winner on this post on Monday, Jan. 23, so make sure to check back in!