Wool Appliqué for February
As I write this, February is a few days away and already I'm making plans. I'm a card-sending, old-fashioned letter writer, gift buyer, cookie maker, romantic-dinner planner ... you might say I just love Valentine's Day. I love when the day falls on Sunday. After church we head to our grocery store for a few extra supplies, and it's full of flowers and balloons. They have a table set up just to make chocolate-covered strawberries, and they have samples just in case you have never tasted one—of course I haven't, this year...
And of course we have the special holiday, Groundhog's Day, or in my case my birthday! This year I hope to get a new bike. I've trained all winter, so come spring I will be ready to go on some nice long bike trips.
This February will be extra special with my new book, Cozy Wool Appliqué, being released. This is my third book, which makes it very special to me. I designed two new items for me, table runners. One is for spring and summer and the other is for fall.
The month is a short one, full of fun, a lot to look forward too!
I would like to pass along two favorite tips. The first is a sewing tip. To make your buttonhole stitches look beautiful when attaching your wool pieces, give those wool pieces some stability. I use a little glue stick around the edges on little pieces or an iron on interfacing of your choice on larger pieces.
The second tip is an ironing tip. Put a nice fluffy towel on your ironing board, place your finished appliqué piece upside on the towel and steam it. Oh my, when you turn it over your wools have become absolutely beautiful; the stitches have evened out and look perfect. You will be so pleased with your finished project.
I hope this year is full of delightful sewing projects for you, health and happiness for you and your families!
Liz Angus