The Story Behind Quilter's Date Keeper
The Quilter's Date Keeper is all about taking an idea and running with it! Bonnie has already shared her side of the story, so I thought I’d share mine.
I regularly read Bonnie Hunter’s blog posts. Eleven months ago, I read that she had discovered one of our previous versions of the Date Keeper in a vintage shop. And she thought,Oh my! Do I ever love planners! How many quilt photos are in this planner? Would I have enough to have C&T do a planner for me with all MY quilts in it?
I immediately sent an email to our acquisitions editor. She contacted Bonnie and learned that she had received more than 150 enthusiastic responses to her blog post. And so the brainstorming began. Bonnie and I tossed around ideas for user-friendly tips or extras to add to the book, and she decided to provide the reader with some helpful piecing and binding information. We designed a project-planning worksheet and a master project list, and included some note- and graph-paper pages for quilt ideas.
In fewer than six weeks after the idea first popped up, we were sorting through photos and reviewing her quotes for the calendar pages. One of my tasks was to select the quilts to be included in this book. I had to look at each and every one of her quilts. I know. Seriously, it’s a tough job.
When you get your copy of the Quilter's Date Keeper, be sure to look closely. Bonnie sent in some of her newest quilts for her upcoming book, String Frenzy, ahead of schedule, so that they could be included.