The NEW Quick & Easy Block Tool: What Makes It New?

The NEW Quick & Easy Block Tool: What Makes It New?

One of the most valuable and useful books we have for quilters at C&T is the  Quick & Easy Block Tool.

This helpful book has been available for more than ten years, providing an array of quilt blocks, with charts to help you create each block in five sizes. Plus it includes a variety of tips and helpful hints. Many of us here at C&T use this tool and we started thinking of ways we could make it better.

The old files from the first edition were in a format that we no longer use, so all the text and charts had to be retyped, and all the illustrations had to be redrawn. While this may not have been “quick and easy” for the team, it was exciting to see how much better we could make this new and improved version. As the Technical Editor for the book, I added some new blocks, bringing the total to 110, to give quilters even more to choose from.

The new tool is in a larger format that will be easier to use. We added a gray-scale version of each block, and a blank version, so you can design it yourself without regard to the original color placement. On top of that, we added a project for every block! Plus, we created an index of these projects that can be made with precut fabrics such as charm packs, fat quarters, jelly rolls, and layer cakes.

It is now The NEW Quick and Easy Block Tool, and I am sure you will find it quick and easy to use!

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