Skills to Master
We all have it: that one skill we've dabbled in, or tried once, or get by in, but would love to master. Today, everyone at C&T is sharing their skill-building goals! What skills would you like to get better at?
Deirdre: Gardening. I've been planting and harvesting veggies in the raised garden beds at our apartment complex for the last couple of years, but it always feels like there's so much more to learn. How do I keep my beet greens from mildewing? How do I keep aphids off my kale? Why were my melons mostly rind?
Liz: Improve my embroidery skills. I dabble, but I would like to be really amazing at it.
Sue: How to draw and use watercolors.
Linda: I love longarm quilting, but I'd love to master it and find my own style.
Betsy: Drawing!
Alice: I'd like to once and for all to master the organizing of all my photos. I have photos in (some non-archival) albums, in boxes, on my computer, in random places all around the house. Plus I "inherited" my mom's boxes of loose photos. What I'd really like to do is to scan all the photos and toss most of the paper photos, except for the historical ones, and then create a backup system and be able to share them easily.
Jen: Cooking. I get by, but I'd like to be a more confident chef.
Tim: I'd love to be able to surf. I love the ocean and all it has to offer. Unfortunately, after four decades on this planet, I am still unable to find my sea legs. For now I'll just swim off shore with my kids.
Jennifer: Drawing (and painting, too—but I'll keep it to one skill). Especially drawing the human form, which is so hard to get right!
April: Making music. I played the flute/piccolo/trumpet/flügelhorn in a previous life, and I miss it. I've never been able to sing, but I pretend a lot. :)
Debbie: Digital drawing. I've take an intro course on AI but haven't made the time to really learn it.
Gailen: Stand-up paddle boarding of course!
Amber: Public speaking, and teaching. I am horrible at both. When I try to show someone how to do something, I clam up. I expect people to hear and understand what I am saying and doing in my head. I skip steps. It's just a mess!
Kerry: Animation. I can make small animations but would love to master the skill.