Sew ... The Garment-Making Book of Knowledge Blog Tour Kickoff!
I am more than particularly pleased to be kicking off the blog tour for Sew ... The Garment-Making Book of Knowledge by Barbara Emodi today! I am personally a huge fan of this book, as you may have already read about here. I learned how to sew working in the costume shops of theater departments, first in high school and then in college. We mostly spent our time altering existing costumes or clothing for a new play or a new actor, but I've always wanted to move into sewing my own clothes, and when I heard about Sew ... The Garment-Making Book of Knowledge, I knew it was exactly the book I had been looking for!
There's so much I love about this book, from Barbara's friendly tone (like the wisest, gentlest mentor ever) to the great tutorials to answers to all my pressing sewing questions. Actually, that last one is my favorite. Which clothes should I sew instead of buy (and vice versa)? What's the best garment to start with? How do I alter a pattern to fit my body? What sewing equipment do I actually need? Barbara answers all of these questions and more! Plus my friend and colleague Lynn got to be the model for many of the photos in the book.
You can follow along with the tour to find out what other bloggers love about this book (and enter some giveaways along the way)!
8/1 C&T Publishing
8/2 Couture et Tricot (Tany)
8/3 One on two off (Dawn)
8/4 Thorneberry(Lara)
8/5 RuthieSews (Ruthie)
8/6 Sewing on the Edge (Barbara Emodi)
Oh, and did I mention a giveaway? You can enter to win an ebook copy of Sew ... The Garment-Making Book of Knowledge here: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/9f48298e200/?.