September Best Sellers

September Best Sellers

The numbers are in! These are the top ten books you loved the most in September. Count down with us to find out what was number one, and hear a little bit about why these books are so popular along the way.

10. FreeSpirit Block Party by FreeSpirit Fabrics

Did you know that all proceeds from FreeSpirit Block Party go to Project Night Night? Project Night Night provides free night packages to homeless children from birth to preteen who need childhood essentials to have a concrete and predictable source of security and an increased exposure to high-quality literacy materials while there. Read more here.

9. Tie Died by Carol Dean Jones

Read on to find out what happy reader Jo W. has to say about Tie Died, the first book in Carol Dean Jones' quilting cozy series:

"I am so hooked on this series. I first heard about the 'A Quilting Cozy' series from my quilt club. Being a new quilter, I thought it would be interesting to read more about quilting. Little did I know this book would be so darn interesting and fun to read. As I read each chapter, I felt like I was getting to know some new friends. Carol Dean Jones has not only created these unique, fun-loving men and women to life, but she makes them seem real. The characters in the book Tie Died came to life for me. I couldn't put the book down. Now that I have finished it, I bought the second book Running Stitches so I could find out what happened. I'm so glad my questions were answered. Thank you for including the pattern for making a necktie quilt in your book. What a great idea. I am now on a hunt for neckties, so I can make a tie quilt. So much fun!"

8. Paint-by-Number Quilts by Kerry Foster

The Literate Quilter was kind enough to share her review of Paint-by-Number Quilts:

"The patterns are adorable. I was most interested in learning the prepared-edge appliqué technique she uses to construct the images. In 32 pages she manages to give essential information to ensure quilters can create one of her patterns." 

7. Free-Motion Quilting from Ordinary to Extraordinary by Jenny K. Lyon

Quilting superstar Alex Anderson took a class with Jenny K. Lyon! Here's what she had to say about it: 

"Imagine spending the whole day sitting in front of a BERNINA special edition 765 Rose Gold machine stitching away to your hearts content. Jenny had a plethora of tricks up her sleeves to help students grow their confidence at free motion quilting. I learned I LOVE bubble quilting and how easy it is to try different motifs with just a little practice. Practice, Practice, Practice! That is the name of the game."

6. Quilt As-You-Go Made Vintage by Jera Brandvig

"This is a follow-up book to the popular Quilt-As-You-Go Made Modern, also by Jera. It features 51 blocks, nine projects, and three joining methods; including her very own technique that makes your quilt reversible by quilting each block individually on a backing and using joining strips on the front and back of the assembled quilt. Whilst the first book focussed on improvisational techniques in a modern style, this one is about using vintage fabrics in classic block designs. There are useful sections on tools and supplies, working with batting, and choosing your fabrics. Each project is laid out in an easy to follow fashion that is packed with photos and diagrams. Overall, a well considered books that is a delight to look through with a warm, encouraging tone of voice."

5. Inspired Free-Motion Quilting by Bill Volckening and Amanda Leins

Bill Volckening and Amanda Leins each spoke to Create Whimsy about their work together on this book. Amanda's thoughts are below!

"As a former archaeologist, I can’t help but be fascinated by how people constructed these objects and the situational things that might have inspired what they chose to make. Bill’s perspective was looking at these as finished objects, and often we’d surprise each other with insights we just wouldn’t have made on our own. It was really inspiring to me, and I’ve been playing a lot with traditional blocks and the sometimes minimal yet carefully chosen quilting that would accentuate them. I’ve also started collecting a few of my own quilts here and there."

4. Adventures in Paper Piecing & Design by Sarah Elizabeth Sharp

Make Modern had a glowing review of this book in its most recent issue:

"Foundation paper piecing (FPP) is an incredibly versatile quilting technique that allows you to accurately piece virtually any pattern, whether it's a traditional quilt block or an image of an object that you want to recreate in fabric. But for most of us, actually designing our own paper piecing patterns seems scarily out of reach. If you've ever wanted to design your own FPP patterns, this is the guide book for you. Sarah Elizabeth has been designing for years, and has taken all her tips so you don't have to learn by trial and error like she did. 

The book begins with a detailed look at the method of FPP, showing the anatomy of a FPP pattern, with a project that walks you through various FPP techniques like straight lines, angles, and working with directional prints. Then it moves to the meat—how to directions to design your own FPP patterns, There are also tons of tips throughout, inspiring collage boards, and fabulous section on Graffiti Foundation Paper Piecing. It also includes design prompts to inspire your designing, and a number of projects if you're ready to jump right into the technique. This book is a must for anyone looking to up the game on their FPP skills."

3. Carol Doak's Foundation Paper

Read what happy user Julianne has to say about this versatile paper!

"Carol's paper-piecing paper makes the whole process much easier. The paper feeds easily through my printer, the ink stays put and the paper tears away easily when the time comes. No more stitches pulling out with the paper when this becomes your paper of choice; you won't want to use anything else again." 

2. Bullseye Quilts from Vintage to Modern by Becky Goldsmith

Ssshhh, don't tell: Becky Goldsmith is filming a show with Creative Living this month! Keep an eye out for it. 

1. Whimsical Wool Appliqué by Kim Schaefer

Another review from The Literate Quilter on this gorgeous new book from Kim Schaefer, our number one best seller from September!

"Many of my friends LOVE wool appliqué. When I saw the cover for Kim Schaefer's Whimsical Wool Appliqué, I loved the cheerful and bright flowers and knew my friends would, too.  Kim offers seven quilt projects and 50 blocks, all with complete instructions and color photos of each block. Along with her whimsical flowers there are blocks for birds and butterflies, bugs and bees, a snail and caterpillar. . .

Every one of the fifty blocks has its own page with the pattern and close-up details of the embroidery used to finish the block. The blocks are fusible appliqué and the embroidery makes them really pop. My wool appliqué friends enjoy the embroidery part of their projects."

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