New Patchwork & Quilting Basics Book Tour!
Jo Avery kicks off her Book Tour this Sunday 1st March with a fantastic giveaway! She’s giving away a copy of her book New Patchwork and Quilting Basics, one of her Aurifil thread collections and a beautiful pouch made from one of the patterns in the book (still to be revealed!). Be sure to visit her Instagram feed on Sunday to enter!
And this is just the start of two weeks of fun and excitement as the book tour gets going. Jo has invited some of her favourite quilters and friends, from all over the world, to celebrate her new book. Join these talented makers over the upcoming weeks to get inspired with their projects!
Date (March) Name Instagram / Blog
Sunday 1st Jo Avery @joaverystitch / Blog
Monday 2nd Lynne Goldsworthy @lilysquilts
Tuesday 3rd Nicholas Ball @quiltsfromtheattic
Wed 4th Daisy Aschehoug @warmfolk
Thursday 5th Svetlana Sotak @sotakhandmade/ Blog
Friday 6th Jenni Smith @jennismithsews
Saturday 7th Heather Black @quiltachusetts / Blog
Sunday 8th Sarah Ashford @sarahashfordstudio
Monday 9th Jemima Flendt @tiedwitharibbon / Blog
Tuesday 10th Kerry Green @verykerryberry / Blog
Wed 11th Sarah Thomas @sariditty / Blog
Thursday 12th Krista Hennebury @poppyprint / Blog
Friday 13th Karen Lewis @karenlewistextiles / Blog
Use and track the following hashtags on Instagram to follow along!
#NewPatchworkQuiltingBasics #NewPatchworkQuiltingBasicsBookTour
To kickoff Jo Avery's tour be sure to enter our eBook giveaway!