Love Beatrix Potter? Make a Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle Iron Cover

Love Beatrix Potter? Make a Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle Iron Cover

How cute is this iron cover from Stitching with Beatrix Potter? Read on for the full tutorial.

My iron lives on a shelf in the laundry and I often think it could do with a dust cover–so Mrs Tiggy-Winkle seemed like the perfect project! I would love Mrs Tiggy-Winkle in my home–she was most particular about washing, starching and above all, ironing clothes: “And she gave them their nice clean clothes; and all the little animals and birds were so very much obliged to dear Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle.” I constructed my cover with three triangular sections using a pre-quilted calico for the outer covering and quilter’s muslin for the lining.

These instructions were for my Tefal iron that measures 12̋ high and 6̋ wide at the base. Adjust to fit your iron by tracing around the triangular shape of the sole-plate, tapering sides to fit, and adding 2̋ to this tracing (this gives a 1̋ seam allowance which can be trimmed back after basting if it seems too big).

You will need:

  • Outer fabric (or pre-quilted calico) 50 cm × 110 cm (20̋ × 43̋)
  • Lining fabric (quilter’s muslin) 50 cm × 110 cm (20̋ × 43̋)
  • Small pieces for appliqué (see photo for detail)
  • Matching background thread for cover construction
  • Matching threads for appliqué (Stranded cottons for hand appliqué or machine embroidery threads for machine)
  • 30 cm × 30 cm (12̋ × 12̋) piece of fusible appliqué paper
  • 50 cm × 110 cm (20" × 43̋) piece of batting (I used a thermal batting with insulation properties)
  • 2 metres (2 1⁄8 yard) × 5 cm (2̋) wide bias binding (I used a pre-purchased black and white striped binding. You could  make your own and there are lots of sites on the internet to help you. I found this video and step by step instructions link excellent on McCall’s Quilting site: > lessons > continuous bias).
  • 1. From the outer fabric cut three triangular shapes from the pattern (download here). Seam allowance has been included but adjust to fit your own iron as required. Repeat for lining fabric.

    2. Appliqué the design to one outer shape taking note  of the position on the background as indicated on the pattern page (base of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle’s foot is 2½" from raw edge).

    3. Machine appliqué the design.

    4. Cut three triangular shapes from the thermal batting.

    5. Place pieces in the following order: lining right side down, batting then appliqué right side up. Pin baste and then stitch around all three layers close to the edge. Repeat for the other three sections.

    6. Following the photo instructions pin two basted cover sections together and then pin the binding to the curved section. Using a ½" seam allowance attach the binding taking note of the tight curve at the top section.

    7. Turn binding to other side and using a blind hemstitch hand stitch in place. Trim.

    8. Join the third basted cover section to the two sides that have no binding. Repeat as before taking note of the raw edge of the previous binding that needs tucking inside. Turn binding to other side and using a blind hemstitch hand stitch in place. Trim.

    9. Finally attach binding to the base of the iron cover.

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