Simple Fabric Folding for Christmas Class Plan

by Liz Aneloski

Notes to Instructor
This book is intended for quilters and crafters of all levels. The fabric folding techniques introduced can be applied to quiltmaking, home decorating, fashion design and other sewing projects. I have divided the lesson plans into three parts: 10-minute demonstration, 3-hour classes (3 options), and full-day classes (8 options). These can be done either singly or as a multiple-week class. You could start a Christmas Project of the Month class and have a full-day class once a month for 8 months.

Class Description
Learn easy techniques for creating folded shapes with Christmas-colored fabrics to make quilts, stockings, table runners, placemats, pillows, or count-down calendars.

Number of Sessions
10-minute demonstration, 3 hours, full day, or multiple weeks

10-Minute Demonstration: This is a perfect hands-on demonstration for a Christmas in July/August open house.

Supply List

  • Required textbook: Simple Fabric Folding for Christmas by Liz Aneloski (with pages 23-29 marked)
  • 6" x 5 1/2" rectangle of green fabric
  • 4 7/8" x 4 1/4" muslin foundation (mark the center of each edge with a pencil, page 14)
  • pencil, straight pins, iron and ironing board
  1. Read page 14, Steps 2-6 so you can guide each person through the simple folding and pressing.
  2. Show them the projects they can make with this folding technique on pages 23-29.

3-Hour Class (Option 1): Learn 11 simple fabric folding techniques.

Supply List

  • Required textbook: Simple Fabric Folding for Christmas by Liz Aneloski
  • Christmas-colored fabrics (pre-cut before coming to class):
    • 3" x 6" for 1/2" Tucks
    • 3" x 20" for Double Tucks
    • 3" x 3" for Traditional Prairie Point
    • 3" x 3" for Prairie Point with Fold
    • two 4" x 4" for Simple Pocket
    • 4" x 4" for Pocket with Fold
    • 6" x 6" and 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" for Origami Puff
    • 6" x 5 1/2" and 4 7/8" x 4 1/4" for Triangle Origami Puff
    • 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" and 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" for Rectangle Origami Puff
    • 7" x 7" and 3 1/4" x 3 1/4" for Folded Squares
    • 8 1/2" x 8 1/2" for Folded Eight-Pointed Star
  • pencil, straight pins, iron and ironing board
  1. Make one piece of each folding technique following the instructions on pages 6-22.
  2. Look at the projects in the book and point out where the different folding techniques are used.


3-Hour Class (Option 2): Choose one of the table runner/placemat projects, page 27 or 56.

Supply List

  1. Explain how the students can choose to make one table runner or six placemats.
  2. Discuss fabric selection.
  3. Demonstrate the folding technique.
  4. Following the instructions in the book, guide students to make a table runner or placemat unit.
  5. Let them continue to sew until time runs out. They should be far enough to finish on their own; or make this a full-day class to get further along in the process.

3-Hour Class (Option 3): Choose one of the pillow projects, page 50 or 59.

Supply List

  1. Discuss fabric selection.
  2. Demonstrate the folding technique.
  3. Follow the instructions in the book and guide the students.
  4. Let them continue to sew until time runs out. They should be far enough to finish on their own.

Full-Day Classes: Each of the classes listed below can be one full-day class or combined for a multiple-week class.
Option 1: Wrapped Up and Under the Tree Quilt, page 24; Option 2: Forest of Trees Stocking, page 30; Option 3: Candy Canes and Folded Flying Geese Quilt, page 34; Option 4: Can't Wail 'Til Christmas Calendar, page 37; Option 5: Visions of Sugar Plums Stocking, page 40; Option 6: Christmas Tree - All Dressed Up Quilt, page 44; Option 7: Countdown to Christmas Calendar, page 47; Option 8: Folded Chinese Coins Quilt, page 53.

Supply List

For each class:

  1. Talk about fabric selection.
  2. Demonstrate folding techniques.
  3. Guide the students through the instructions in the book.