Continuous Line Designs for Free-Motion Quilting
From Step-by-Step Free-Motion Quilting by Christina Cameli
Class Description
Learn new quilting designs made from simple, easy-to-doodle shapes! This class for new to intermediate quilters will explore several fresh free-motion designs. See your instructor sketching them and then practice them yourself!
Class Length
This is a single session 3-hour class
Class Supply List
Required text: Step-by-Step Free-Motion Quilting
Notebook and pen or pencil
1/2 yard muslin, 44” wide
batting, 18” x 22”
Sewing machine with darning/FMQ foot
Basting pins
Classroom Preparation
Each student will need a workspace to set up a sewing machine with extension table.
Class Agenda
Introduction: Encourage new quilters that most free-motion designs are made from simple shapes.
Demonstration: pick 3 distinct designs to draw on a big pad of paper for students (recommended: Leafy, page 140, Frills, page 178 and Flourish, page 42)
Experimentation: have students pick one or more designs and sketch them in their notebooks
Implementation: Students move on to stitching the design(s) of their choice on their muslin quilt sandwich.
Regroup: Instructor picks 3 more designs to demo on the large pieces of paper. (recommended: Grove, page 112 (builds on the skills learned in Leafy), Flora, page 138 (builds on the skills learned in Frills), and Enchantment, page 48 (builds on skills learned in Flourish))
Continued experimentation and implementation: students sketch and/or stitch more designs in remaining class time.
Recommend encouraging quilters to try new designs on one of the projects from the author’s companion book, First Steps to Free-Motion Quilting.