M'Liss Rae Hawley's Precut Quilts Digital Download
M'Liss Rae Hawley –– Whip up quick patchwork projects with precut fabrics • 6 beginner-friendly quilt projects, including a tote bag • Make traditional quilts more easily with jelly rolls, charm...
The Latest From the Queen of Fat Quarters!
• 8 great projects, plus 40+ quilts for inspiration—great for beginners and all skill levels or fat-quarter enthusiasts
• Get the inside track on choosing fabrics, techniques, and quilting designs unique to fat-quarter quilts
Can’t get enough of those fat quarters? In this, M’Liss’s fourth collection of quilts designed just for fat quarters, you’ll learn to choose fabrics, match border and background fabrics, and add machine embroidery and embellishment. Plus, M’Liss includes lots of tips and quilting ideas for every design! An extensive gallery lets you see your project in lots of color schemes and creative options.
80p color pdf
ISBN: 978-1-60705-325-5
(eISBN: 978-1-60705-325-5)