Soul Searching
Class Description
This quilt is all about understanding the fabrics we are drawn to when collecting fabrics. It is all about working with value, pattern and saturation of fabrics to create a stash that is interesting and well rounded. When we see what we collect we know what we don't collect and that makes us better stash builders!!!
Special Skills - Use your stash to make a simple block design using 9 colour groupings as well as background fabric selections. Make one block at a time in one colour group. You will need 24 strips of fabrics for each colour group plus the 24 background strips. Selecting the fabrics and then placing them into interesting groupings challenges our concept of colour and expands how we see our fabrics. Don't be fooled, this is a tricky process but one that will leave students not only understanding what fabrics they are drawn to but also what fabrics they avoid. This understanding aid us in making more interesting quilts.
Note: this is a great class to be done in a shop as customers will definitely need to shop. If there is no shop then they should be encouraged to share fabrics.
Product: In a one day class participants might finish one colour in the morning but once they get the hang of it the rest of the blocks happen more quickly.
Enjoyment Factor: this is an extremely fun class as the focus is on how the participants react to the process. It is full of "Ah Ha moments" and a growing sense of appreciation for the wonderful contemporary fabrics available to us today.
Class Length
The classes can be 1-3 days in length. A one day class would start with a combined talk on using neutrals as well as colours. Two - three day classes can break it down into colour the first day, neutrals the second and on the third day using the leftover strips to make other fun projects.
Class Supply List
Required text: Making Quilts with Kathy Doughty of Material Obsession
24 strips that are 2 1/2" wide by 12 1/2" (these can be prepared in advance as that is the longest strip necessary or they can cut in class from strips or scraps) in 9 colour groups that generally are: red, blue, yellow, green, purlple, orange, pastel, greys, browns.
Optional: Soul Searching ruler template
Cutting Mat, cutting ruler and rotary
Design wall space at least 24 1/2" square for making the blocks
Classroom Preparation
A fabric "bank" is a great option. If they feel invited to share they are more open to buying as well.
Most of the time the sewing is done at home after class which leaves more room for working out the blocks.
Use the pattern in the book to guide with fabric choices as all the elements of the quilt are outlined in the book.
Class Agenda
List only the broad steps required to take the project from beginning to end. Reference the appropriate page(s) or chapter(s) in your book that provide all the details and/or photos related to each step.