National Sewing Month: Playful Petals Blog Tour!
Posted by Lynn Merrill on Sep 24th 2014
Hello, Hello! My name is Corey and you will usually find me blogging over at Little Miss Shabby. I am the author of the book Playful Petals.
I am excited to be sharing with you today about the blog tour for my book which just kicked off this week.
I have lined up 10 amazing bloggers from around the blog-o-sphere and they will be sharing with you their thoughts on Playful Petals as well as fun projects of their own. My book includes 18 different projects, 9 quilts and their mini counterpart in pillow form. I love the mini aspect as it gives the opportunity to "try out" each quilt before committing to making a larger quilt.
With this idea in mind, you will find some fun mini projects along the blog tour. Here's the line-up of bloggers you will want to make sure to visit:
September 15: Amy @ Stitchery Dickery Dock
September 16: Melissa @ Happy Quilting
September 17: Jessica @ Quilty Habit
September 18: Faith @ Fresh Lemons Quilts
September 19: Amy @ Diary of a Quilter
~Break for Weekend~
September 22: Sherri @ A Quilting Life
September 23: Amber @ Gigi's Thimble
September 24: Lori @ Bee in My Bonnet
September 25: Amanda @ Crazy Mom Quilts
September 26: Lee @ Freshly Pieced
~ The Blog tour will end with a wonderful giveaway you won't want to miss @ Little Miss Shabby ~
Each day on the tour, I will be sharing quilts & pillows from my book, on my blog. I have also been working on a fun, free mini quilt pattern that I will be sharing with everyone, Mini Buds.
Thank you so much for stopping by today! I hope you come visit me during the blog tour! You can always see what I am up to on Facebook, Instagram, or my blog:
Happy Sewing! Corey