Door to Door Quilts, Second in the Door County Quilt Series
Posted by Ann Hazelwood on May 18th 2021
Hello everyone!
I'm pleased to say I am the newest fiction writer for C&T.
In all my series, there is a strong woman with many challenges women face.
In this novel, Claire Stewart has settled in Door County, but as an artist/quilter, she has been disappointed with the prescience of quilts in the county that is known for art.
Claire and her best friend Cher decide something visual needs to be done, so they create an outdoor quilt show called DOOR TO DOOR QUILTS. The risky event does not have the blessing of their prestigious and rigid quilt club.
The shows great success has an affect on the entire club.
Romance continues for Claire, thanks to the handsome man wearing the red scarf.
Please join Claire on her adventures in beautiful Door County Wisconsin.