Decoding Your Story: Marci Baker

Decoding Your Story: Marci Baker

May 24th 2024

Welcome to Decoding Your Story, a series of interview-styled blog posts delving into the captivating narratives of makers within our C&T and Creative Spark community. Join us on this journey to inspire, connect, and celebrate the vibrant creativity that defines our crafting family!

In this post, we're spotlighting Marci Baker, a talented C&T author and Creative Spark Instructor. Read more for insight behind her inspiration, drive, and love for creating 3D quilts. 

What project or creation are you currently immersed in making?

MARCI BAKER: Cleaning up from making the samples for The Quilt Binding Bible (coming January 2025) ...lots of fabrics, quilting, and bindings! The variety of finishes for quilts is expansive, allowing for the perfect ending to each and every quilt/project. From a basic binding to a knife-edge finish to prairie points to narrow or wide binding to ruffles to embroidery and different angles, each offers an opportunity to add a design element rather than just the functional finish. So there are a lot of samples for the book to say the least. 

When it comes to art, what specific form or genre are you championing, and why does it resonate with you

MARCI BAKER: Always 3-D because it is intriguing how the values of light, medium, and dark have such an impact on the resulting design. To accomplish this, I have designed The Ultimate Value Tool (coming December 2024) which makes it easy to find the fabrics of the desired values. While designing the tool, I added a feature that allows translating the values of one color combination to similar values of another color combination. That is "Make the design your own!" This is a concept that hasn't been explored to any extent. It opens up a whole new world of choosing a design because of its features, like nine-patches, changing it to a more personalized color way, and ending up with the desired colors and the nine-patches in tact.  

Image captionA sampling of what I pack when teaching for a guild. Usually I take two 50 lb. suitcases - so a lot to share.

Can you share a recent inspiration that fueled your creative process?

MARCI BAKER: Looking for a simpler way to get the job done, and to have consistent success, I have realized several improved methods while writing the binding book. I find it exciting to figure out these techniques, refine them, and share them with other quilters.

Images caption: Taking photos of the samples before packing them to ship to C&T.

Have you encountered any challenges or obstacles in your creative endeavors recently, and how are you overcoming them?

MARCI BAKER: Time seems to be the answer for me, as far as challenges. My brain is constantly working on the solution. At some point, the answer becomes clear and I implement it. However, it may not be the final answer. Because my solutions and designs come as they may, working to a schedule is my biggest obstacle. 

Images captionA project designed using blocks in 3-D Magic book. When viewed upside down, another design appears.

What motivates you to continue pushing boundaries and exploring new artistic territories?

MARCI BAKER: Coming up with new and improved techniques is what gets me going. Converting my enthusiasm to a finished product or teaching platform can be challenging but is worth the pursuit.

Stay tuned for more inspiring stories, insights, tips, and advice from our vibrant creative community to deepen your connection to your craft and inspire your next masterpiece.

Read other Decoding Your Story blog posts on the C&T Blog:

- Christen Brown

Cyndi McChesney


Marci Baker is internationally recognized for her quilting expertise, having been featured in magazines and television. She resides in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Shop Marci's (and Sara Nephew's) newest book3-D Magic! Simple Blocks, Striking Quilts at C&T Publishing.

Check out Marci's Creative Spark online coursePlaying with Blocks: Easy 3D Quilts