Crafting a Book (with Developmental Editor Michele): Modern Appliqué Illusions

Posted by Lynn Merrill on Oct 27th 2014

What better way to really get to know what goes into the making of a book than to hear it straight from the editors? That's just what we're kicking off today: a series of interviews with the editors of the newly released Modern Appliqué Illusions

1. Please introduce yourself. What is your role on the production team and, in one sentence, tell us what you do?

I'm Michele, the DE--Developmental Editor. I help authors outline their books, plan for and prepare the right content, and visualize a product with titles, captions, pictures, etc.

2. What is one of the most challenging parts of your job?

Determining the size to make graphics, illustrations, and pictures to show you how to do something. Yep. That's part of the DE's job.

3. What is your favorite part about your job?

Helping the author's voice be a part of her (or his) book. It could be written by a robot ... ... But it's not. Each of these people have personalities that comes through -- I hope.

4. Tell me about one of the weirdest book-related things that you’ve come across working at C&T.

Umm, maybe receiving a moldy project.

5. Fill in the blank. “In a perfect world, all of the books I’m assigned to would …”

be best-sellers!

About Modern Appliqué Illusions:

1. What made this book stand out from the others?

It doesn't feel like an art quilt, but it feels like art, and it feels like a quilt.

2. Did anything in the book process surprise you?

The design. It's lovely, but not what I was expecting. C&T's designers are awesome. Also, the size of the templates. Things are big in this book.

3. What’s one thing you’d like to tell prospective readers about Modern Appliqué Illusions?

Something Casey said really struck me and I don't want prospective readers/quilt makers to miss this. She said "As I watch my kids use these quilts every day ..." They look like art--perspective is a cool, artsy thing--but they are for you, your family, your home, not a museum, and they are meant to be used and enjoyed.

4. What was your favorite project from the book? Why was it your favorite?

My favorite -- and I feel like the only one who loves this one -- is Concrete Jungle. I like cityscapes and I'm going to do a miniature of it--a block instead of a quilt--to be a part of another quilt. Yes. One day I am.

My other favorite is Ripples. I love the shadow effect on the koi.

{Concrete jungle}

5. Did Casey teach you anything that you didn’t know before working on her book?

Perspective is a difficult thing for me to draw or portray in art. Casey's tips and explanation of receding quilting helped.

About the publishing industry:

1. How long have you worked in publishing?

Forever as long as newspapers count.

2. What advice would you have for an aspiring author?

Remember your expertise. For most of our authors, this is some type of sewing. Great! Keep your focus on teaching your reader to sew. Some authors try to take everything on themselves and it drives them nuts. Let your editors worry about writing and editing. That's our expertise! :)

3. What’s the coolest thing about working at C&T?

The people. So much creativity. Some days it's swirling in the air! Plus--and this is a big plus--we get to sew at work sometimes, and people give away chunks and swathes of their old fabric!

Stay tuned for Technical Editor Alison's experience working this book in our next blog post!