Posted by Becky Goldsmith on Feb 19th 2019
I cannot believe it, but I don’t think I ever blogged about the Bullseye quilt! Honestly, how did that happen?!

Many years ago, when I was a new quilter, I saw a Bullseye quilt like in a book of antique quilts. I loved it but had no idea how anyone could begin to make one. There was no pattern, just a photo. Fast forward to 2017 when I ran across the photo again, and I suddenly saw how to make it using foundation paper piecing.
Bullseye Quilts from Vintage to Modern is the result. It is a pattern pack with an instruction booklet and foundation-paper pattern pages that comes inside a pretty, sturdy, book-sized envelope. The loose pattern pages make it easy to make the copies that you will sew on.
The hardest part for me was drafting the pattern and writing the instructions. You might not believe it, but the sewing part is easy. All you have to do is sew on the solid lines, and everything comes together.

The quilt is constructed in rings. Each ring is made up of smaller segments that are sewn next to each other.

I show you how to set-in circles. Once you know how to do it, you will wonder why you haven’t sewn circles sooner. The hardest circle is the one in the center because it’s the smallest. Once you sew it, the rest are a piece o’ cake!

The instructions are clear, with lots of good photos that walk you through each step.

After I made the big blue quilt, I realized that you could stop at any ring to make smaller blocks. I wanted to do that, so I drew the corner patterns that fit each ring. They are included in the pattern pack as well.
The Baby Bullseye block, below, is 36″ x 36″ and is surrounded by 1″ x 2″ flying geese (also in the pattern).

I didn’t stop there! I made one more quilt with nine 20″ blocks and 2″ x 4″ flying geese:

And then I made myself stop, even though it was hard :-).
If you would like to know more, click here to go to my website where you will find Bullseye Quilts from Vintage to Modern. On the same page are links to some very helpful how-to videos. Happy sewing!