AnglePlay Blocks Class Plan

by Margaret J. Miller

Glimpse refreshing new ways to put blocks together! In this 6-hour workshop you'll learn to cut half-size and pieced triangles with AnglePlay™ templates. Spend the day with us and make gorgeous blocks to take home! Basic rotary cutting and machine piecing skills are required, but all skill levels are welcome.

Instructor Supply List

  • Required text: AnglePlay™ Blocks by Margaret J. Miller
  • Several sets of AnglePlay™ templates for students to work with
  • Sample blocks: Simple blocks (pinwheels and stars, 2 of each, "spinning" opposite directions)
  • Directional blocks (at least 4, to rotate on wall for different design possibilities)
  • "positive-negative" blocks (reverse value position in block)
  • 4 versions of one block (p. 43)
  • 4 blocks of a single pattern that lends itself to being offset from its neighbor (pp. 43, 47 Quilt(s) made using sampler blocks; 1 with checkerboard "X" and "O" feeling
  • 1 Sampler "with a twist" (like pieced sashing strips, camouflage where quilt stops and border begins)
  • 1 quilt with blocks that are offset from each other
  • 1 quilt made from 4 versions of same block
  • Blocks with "X" feeling - to intersperse with student blocks

Student Supply List

  • Required text: AnglePlay™ Blocks by Margaret J. Miller
  • AnglePlay™ templates, or supplies to make templates from book
  • Sewing machine in good working condition; cords, extra needles
  • Straight pins - very thin ones
  • Rotary cutting supplies; cutter with sharp blades, spare blades
  • cutting mats (at least 24" one direction to cut width of fabric), plus a small one to cut triangles on 6 x 24" ruler, 6" square ruler
  • Iron, ironing surface
  • Design wall, wide masking tape to adhere it
  • Fabrics: half yard pieces of five different values (Lt, lt-med, med, dk-med and dark)
  • Fabrics should be one main color family, but have at least one accent color (or, 1-2 prints that bring in an accent color)

In the Classroom

  1. Demonstrate how to rotary cut using the templates. (All fabrics right side up; show blocks made with fabrics right side up vs. wrong side up; i.e. pinwheels spin two different directions in the blocks made with right-side up vs. wrong-side up fabrics).
  2. Have all students start with a simple block (like Double Star).
  3. Demonstrate how to cut a pieced triangle (pp. 8-9), then have them do one block that involves a pieced rectangle.
  4. Students use the rest of the time to make as many blocks as they can. They may choose to 1) make 4 versions of one block (p. 43), or 2) make 2 color versions of same block (p.47), or 3) make at least 4 blocks in a pattern that lends itself to being offset (p. 43), or 4) make "positive/negative" blocks; i.e. with a single block pattern, reverse the darks and lights from block to block (p. 47), or 5) make whatever block patterns catch their fancy!
  5. Last hour or so of class: students play with blocks on wall.

Shop owners should stock:

  • AnglePlay™ Blocks by Margaret J. Miller
  • AnglePlay™ Templates; Set One, "Angles Aweigh," Set Two, "Angles Up!" (sets Three and Four will be available in 2006)
  • Rotary cutting equipment
  • Mats: small 8 x 11 or 11 x 17 (to rotate while cutting triangles) and large enough to cut 22" selvedge-to-fold
  • Rotary cutters, spare blades for rotary cutters
  • 6" plexiglas square
  • straightedge 6" x 24"
  • Fabrics in good range of values from very light to very dark