An Amish Adventure, 2nd Ed. Class Plan

By Roberta Horton

These original lesson plans have been updated to reflect changes in page numbers in the book, An Amish Adventure, 2nd Edition.

The Amish are known for their simple quilts made from rich, saturated colors. Improve your personal knowledge of color through the making of a series of Amish-style quilts.

Six 3-hour sessions. (Any lesson can be taught as a separate class, but reference needs to be made to the color information on page 5).

Students will make a series of small Amish-style quilts which can be sewn or done as glued mock-up.

Required text: An Amish Adventure, 2nd Edition by Roberta Horton
Ruler, rotary cutter and mat
Graph paper, large newsprint and glue stick
Sewing machine (Lessons #1, 2, 3) optional
Fabric: 1/4 yard pieces (as much variety as possible, all solids, green, turquoise, blue, purple, red, some lights, mediums and darks, for example pink, red and maroon, some clear, pure colors and some grayed, dusty colors, several blacks.
Paper scissors, 12 sheets typing paper (Lesson #6)

Classwork: First hour: Discuss Amish lifestyle and their quilts, (pages 11-13). See Appendix and refer to many books available on the topic. Second hour: Discuss color (page 13). Have students select fabric for "Playing with the Background" exercise on pages 15-16. It will be necessary to have participants lay our fabric in the green to blue-green to purple to red sequence (ignore value). Refer to Figure 1.2 for auditioning technique. Document choices. Now have student select fabric for "Sparkle" exercise on page 20. This time arrange fabric according to value, ignoring color. Document choices.

Third hour: When the class is taught in a shop, next help students round out palette. It works best to pull one color at a time, remembering dark, medium, light, clear and grayed choices for each color. This is done as a class experience, after work in first paragraph is completed. Students will be more aware of what they are missing now. (If this is part of the class activity, there won't be time for participants to sew in class).

Have participants select one of the exercises to make, Exercise #1 is best suited for beginners and Exercise #2 is more advanced. (Hopefully, there will be examples of both exercises made). Demonstrate quick piecing instructions on pages 47-48.

Homework: Make nine patches for "Playing with the Background" or four patches for "Sparkle". Blocks may be sewn or done as glued mock-ups.

Classwork: Demonstrate for Exercise #1 arrangement possibilities of background choices (Figures 1.5-1.7 pages 16-17). Demonstrate Exercise #2 audition of joining block to make four patches into double nine patches (Figure 1.14 pages 20-221). Each time use a participant's block. Students individually audition and sew or glue choices. When first example of Exercise #1 is completed, demonstrate bordering (Figures 1.19, 1.11, pages 19-20). Discuss color choice, width of borders, and the possibility of corner blocks. This may have to be done at the beginning of Lesson #3. Homework: Finish quilt tops, waiting to make border choices in class.

Classwork: First hour: Look at each completed quilt top from Chapter 1, viewing Exercise #1 and then Exercise #2. Audition border choices when necessary, working as a class to make this a group learning effort. The more tops the students see bordered, the more they will learn about color.

Make a Roman Stripes quilt (pages 23-25) following steps given in Exercise #1. Students select colors and sew strips. Demonstrate the drafting of triangle template (Figure 2.6). Students may make variations #2, #3, or #4, which all require more blocks. Black will be used for the plain triangle in Exercise #1, #2, and #4. (Object of the lesson is to see that black allows you to put any colors together). Homework: Finish Roman Stripes quilt top, waiting to border in class.

Classwork: First hour: View finished quilt tops from Chapter 1. As a class project audition borders for Roman Stripes. The only variable will be the inner border; black will always be used as the outer border. Make a glued mock-up of a Sunshine and Shadow (Method #1) following directions in Chapter 4 (pages 28-19). Homework: Sew border on Roman Stripes. Complete glued mock-up of Sunshine and Shadow.

Classwork: First hour: View completed Roman Stripes. Look at Sunshine and Shadow glued mock-ups. Discuss sewing procedure (page 29). Discuss Diamond (pages 31-32) and Bars (pages 49-51). Show different color examples from magazines and books. Homework: Make miniature examples of Diamonds and Bars. Bring back all completed work for final review in the last session. Bring your camera, 12 sheets typing paper, and paper scissors.

Classwork: First hour: View Diamonds and Bars. Discuss and compare. Second hour: In order, display each category of quilt discussed, putting up all class examples at one time. Photograph. Third hour: Discuss and demonstrate the making of the quilting motifs (pages 66-70). Have each student do the folding paper and cutting steps. Refer to examples in the color section of An Amish Adventure.

A second 6-week series can be taught using the remainder of the book. Refer to color information on page 13 and switch to the Indiana palette for some of the exercises.