Works in Progress with Becky Goldsmith
Please welcome Becky Goldsmith of Piece O' Cake Designs to the blog for the very first in a series of regular guest posts! She'll be sharing whatever's on her mind (and in her studio) with us every month, right here on the C&T blog.
I looked around my studio, trying to imagine what you might be interested in reading about, and it hit me: I should show you my WIP!
First up is this little wool appliqué quilt:
I am making it for a class sample. I’ll be using some of the fabric on the left for the binding. I thought I had finished blanket stitching the leaves until I took this photo. Darn! One more leaf to go!
Here’s another class sample. It goes with my Hexie Garden Quilt pattern pack that comes out in July. I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to set this block. It’s on my design wall, begging me to decide.
I have pieces of a Rare Bear on my cutting table. I’m making it to benefit RARE Science . My bear, and many more, will be on display at Quilt Festival in Houston this fall. They will be up for auction… this could be your bear!
My bear will be yellow and I think it will have EPP hexie flowers appliquéd on it. I’ll know more when I get the bear parts sewn together.
Next up is a wanna-be WIP. I haven’t used a wedge ruler much, but I love them anyway. This ruler is on my table, calling my name.
These red blocks are on the shelf, in a box. I designed and appliquéd them a few months ago and haven’t had time to put them together, much less quilt them. I think it will be a great quilt, eventually.
Speaking of quilting, I have tops, hiding in the guest room closet. I used to quilt my tops as I finished them, but I can’t seem to do that any more. Deep sighs on my part.
And, lastly, this is my current hand-sewing project, Kauai Road .
This is a new direction for me. I wrote about the design process on my blog if you’d like to read about it.
It’s good to be busy!