The Best Visual Guide to Patchwork & Quilting

The Best Visual Guide to Patchwork & Quilting

So the title of our new book coming out in September is actually Visual Guide to Patchwork & Quilting. But after you get a look a everything that it covers (hint: A LOT), not to mention the detailed photos for every section, with tips and instructions from some of the best in the business (Harriet and Carrie Hargrave, Alex Anderson, Elizabeth Hartman . . .  I could go on and on), I think you'll agree with me that it really should be called The Best Visual Guide to Patchwork & Quilting.

Just check out the Table of Contents:

And are you curious about those detailed photos I mentioned? Let's dive a little deeper into one of the sections, Preparing for Appliqué. 

It's hard to imagine going wrong with such step-by-step instructions and clear photographs. 

Plus, did I mention there's projects included? Yeah. Definitely The Best Visual Guide to Patchwork & Quilting. Put it on your wishlist for September!

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