Quilter's Block

Quilter's Block

Artist’s block, quilter’s block—it’s all the same. Every once in a while (or more often than that!), the ideas stop coming. But when one’s creativity is stymied, life can provide the best muse. In her new book, Quilt TraditionsDevon Lavigne draws inspiration from lived experiences that make her lovely quilts relatable. 

Mad Housewife, which is made entirely from fat quarters (except for the binding and outer border), is a fun tribute to the women who juggle responsibilities by the armload.

Kiss Me is all about the romance. With this quilt, Devon demonstrates several techniques, such as using templates effectively to achieve the sweet “love story” look.

So, do these themes sound familiar? Do you connect with the Mad Housewife? Then rip away the quilter’s block and start a new, beautiful project that’s full of life!

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