Photo Friday

Photo Friday

Happy {photo} Friday! Today we're rounding up our top Instagram posts from the past couple of weeks. Read on below for details, links, and the story behind each photo.

  1. These zip pouches are perfect for holding spare change, small makeup items, or to use as a wallet! Love the added personality of the Pom-pom too! Find this pattern in Stitch Kitsch by Jennifer Heynen
  2. Edie McGinnis, best-selling Kansas City Star Quilts author couldn't say no to the opportunity that led to her newest book, Finders Keepers Quilts: Susan Knapp, proud owner of a new (old) house in Bloomfield, Iowa, had found a trunk of old quilts from the early 20th century, miraculously well-preserved, and wanted Edie's help to recreate them. Read more about the origin of Finders Keepers Quilts.
  3. An army of Tear Perfect Maker Tape, marching in to take over the craft world! 
  4. We rounded up our favorite Valentine's Day projects from four books - see books and projects in this blog post
  5. Want to see the stitch maps for this gorgeous Hexagon Purse from Foolproof Crazy-Quilts Projects by Jennifer Clouston? We shared on the blog right here.
  6. LOVE these printed zipper pouches by Kate of See Kate Sew using Natural kraft•tex! Head over to Kate's blog to see the full tutorial.
  7. This dazzler is Jennifer Sampou's Octagon Shimmer Quilt made using her colorful Studio Stash Yarn Dyes and Studio Stash prints
  8. National Cake Day was last week, so we had to share these super adorable teensy cupcakes from Pipsqueaks by Sally Dixon!
  9. Read the funny story behind this photo from the shoot for #OOTD Sew & Style by Angela Lan.

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