My Wedding Quilt

My Wedding Quilt

On January 29th, 2017, I got married to my best friend, surrounded by beautiful trees and our loved ones. It was a short and informal ceremony, in keeping with our new family's love of simplicity.  

Everyone at the C&T Publishing office was thrilled for me. Their only complaint was that I did not tell them the ceremony would be happening beforehand, so they didn't have enough time to make us a wedding quilt. Imagine my surprise when I visited the office in early December 2017 (I work remotely), and everyone was called into our conference room. I was given the seat of honor, and my colleagues handed me a mysterious parcel. 

Inside was a beautiful quilt that perfectly captures the spectrum of emotions and experience that my partner and I have gone through in our first year of marriage. Each of my colleagues pieced and contributed one of the blocks, my lovely coworker Debbie pieced everything together, and our talented technical editor Linda quilted it into a beautiful whole. 

The quilt is based on the Twilight quilt from Modern Triangle Quilts by Rebecca Bryan (with some personalized tweaks, ofcourse!). 

I feel so grateful to my colleagues for creating such a vivid, playful quilt that looks beautiful in our home. I hope to keep it on our bed for many years to come!

Left, Debbie finished the quilt top on a retreat weekend in Pajaro Dunes with some quilter friends; right, the quilt proudly displayed on our bed.

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