Make a Quick Baby Quilt with This Free Project!
Taken from Make Baby Quilts, this little quilt is sure to be loved by babies and their parents. Diagonal strips, further emphasized by diagonal quilting lines, make a lively design.
Designed and made by Sweetwater; machine quilted by Michelle Odle
FINISHED QUILT: 36 1/2 ̋ × 42 ̋
FINISHED BLOCK: 5 1/2 ̋ × 5 1/2
FABRIC FOR BLOCKS: 40 different prints, each cut 10 ̋ × 10 ̋, or 10 ̋ × 10 ̋ precut pack
FABRIC FOR INNER AND OUTER BORDERS: 7/8 yard solid-color fabric
FABRIC FOR MIDDLE BORDER: Fabric left over from 10 ̋ squares
BINDING: 3/8 yard
BACKING: 44 ̋ × 50 ̋
BATTING: 44 ̋ × 50 ̋
A 1/4 ̋ seam allowance is included.
1. Cut 1 piece 6 ̋ × 6 ̋ from each of 2 different 10 ̋ × 10 ̋ prints. Save the scraps for the middle border.
2. From the same print as 1 of the 6 ̋ × 6 ̋ pieces, cut another piece 4 ̋ × 4 ̋.
3. With the right sides together, layer the 6 ̋ × 6 ̋ pieces together.
4. Mark a diagonal line from corner to corner and sew on the marked line.
5. Cut 1/4 ̋ away from the stitching as shown and press the triangle back.
6. Mark a diagonal line on the wrong side of the 4 ̋ × 4 ̋ square.
7. With the right sides together, place the 4 ̋ × 4 ̋ square over the pieced 6 ̋ × 6 ̋ square as shown.
8. Sew on the marked line, cut 1/4 ̋ away from the stitching, and press the triangle back.
9. Repeat Steps 1–8 to make a total of 20 blocks.
1. Sew together 4 blocks to make 1 row. Refer to the quilt assembly diagram to make sure the blocks are turned in alternating directions. Press seam allowances in alternating directions on adjacent rows.
2. Make a total of 5 rows.
3. Sew together the 5 rows and press.
This quilt has an inner border, a middle border, and an outer border. Sew the border strips to the sides, top, and bottom of the quilt, piecing them together to fit. When adding the middle border, press seam allowances toward the inner and outer borders.
1. Cut 3 strips 2 ̋ × the width of the fabric from the solid fabric for the inner border.
2. Cut 26 strips 1 1/2 ̋ × 5 ̋ from the fabric left from the blocks for the middle border. Randomly sew these pieces together along the 1 1/2 ̋ sides to make strips that fit the sides, top, and bottom of the quilt.
3. Cut 4 strips 5 ̋ × the width of the fabric from the solid fabric for the outer border.
For the binding, cut 5 pieces 2 1/4 ̋ × the width of the fabric; sew them together using diagonal seams to make 1 long strip. Layer, quilt, and bind the quilt as desired.
SWEETWATER was founded in 2001 by Karla Eisenach and her two daughters, Lisa Burnett and Susan Kendrick. Located in Colorado, Sweetwater’s simple yet sophisticated aesthetic infuses their many product lines, including fabric and quilt patterns for Moda. thesweetwaterco.com
This project originally appeared in Sweetwater’s Simple Home by Karla Eisenach, Lisa Burnett, and Susan Kendrick, available from Stash Books.